How to Craft a Session Title That Naturally Draws Attendees
With Examples
From our experience, we’ve seen events with packed rooms and others with sparse attendance, often due to the session titles. Crafting a compelling title is crucial not just for filling seats but for attracting the right people. A well-written title enhances your experience as a speaker, draws more attendees to the event, and ensures you get the right audience.
Here’s how to write a session title that:
- Attracts Ideal Attendees: Get the right people in the room, eager for your insights.
- Positions You as an Authority: Be seen as a leader, even by those who don’t attend.
This guide simplifies the process, showing you how to craft clear, concise titles that grab attention and demonstrate expertise.
What Makes a Good Session Title
A good title:
- Captures Attention: It makes people want to attend your session.
- Communicates Value: It clearly states what attendees will learn or gain.
- Sets Expectations: It gives a clear idea of the session’s content.
Keys for Crafting a Session Title That get Bums in Seats
1. Be Specific
- Avoid vague or generic titles.
- Clearly state what the session is about.
- Instead of: “Unlock Your Sales Potential”
- Try: “The 11 Proven Go-to-Market Plays That Simply Work”
- Or: “Mastering Sales Techniques: Elevate Your Performance to the Next Level”
2. Highlight the Benefit
- Focus on what the attendees will gain.
- Use action words that imply benefits.
- Instead of: “Time Management 101”
- Say: “How to Gain Control of Your Free Time”
- Or: “How to Multiply Your Time”
- Or: “How to Save the World (or at Least Yourself) from Bad Meetings”
3. Be Provocative or Thought-Provoking
- Engage curiosity or challenge conventional thinking.
- Instead of: “Product Marketing Strategies”
- Say: “Why Nobody Gives a Crap About Your Product”
4. Keep It Short and Punchy
- Aim for a title that is concise and easy to remember.
- Avoid long and complex titles.
- Instead of: “An In-Depth Analysis of Persuasion Techniques and Their Application in Modern Business”
- Say: “Mastering the Art of Persuasion”
Common Session Title Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
1. Vagueness
- Mistake: Titles that are too broad and don’t clearly state what the session will cover.
- Example of Mistake: “Advancing Your Business Strategies”
- Fix: Be more specific about the content. For example, “Achieving Financial Success: Strategies for Entrepreneurs”.
2. Lack of Focus
- Mistake: Titles that don’t specify what aspect of business they address (e.g., marketing, development).
- Example of Mistake: “Driving Results Through Focus”
- Fix: Specify the area of focus. For example, “How Clear Website Copy Can Boost Your Sales”.
3. Ambiguity
- Mistake: Titles that could refer to multiple different topics and are not clear about the main subject.
- Example of Mistake: “Content Marketing in the AI Era”
- Fix: Clarify the main takeaway. For example, “Keys to Content that Drives Sales and Builds Trust in the AI Era”
4. Overly Cryptic
- Mistake: Titles that are too obscure and don’t explain the session’s value.
- Example of Mistake: “Escaping the Conflict Cycle”
- Fix: Use more familiar terms. For example, “How to Overcome Workplace Conflict and Boost Team Morale”.
5. Too Broad
- Mistake: Titles that are unclear about what specific aspect will be covered.
- Example of Mistake: “Business Development Essentials”
- Fix: Narrow the focus. For example, “Tax Strategies for Scaling Your Business”.
4 Tips for Creating an Engaging Session Title
1. Know Your Audience
- Understand their pain points and what they are looking to learn.
- Tailor your title to their interests and needs.
2. Use Strong Keywords
- Incorporate keywords that your audience cares about.
- This also helps with searchability if your event is listed online.
3. Test Your Title
- Run your title by a colleague or potential attendee.
- Get feedback and refine it as needed.
4. Avoid Buzzwords
- Stick to clear and simple language.
- Avoid jargon that may not be understood by everyone.
Examples of Popular Talk Titles That Attracted Large Audiences
The power of a good title is evident in some of the most-watched TED talks:
- “How to Speak So That People Want to Listen” (by Julian Treasure)
- “How Great Leaders Inspire Action” (by Simon Sinek)
- “How to Stop Screwing Yourself Over” (by Mel Robbins)
- “10 Ways to Have a Better Conversation” (by Celeste Headlee)
- From large sales and marketing conferences such as Inbound:
Provocative session titles examples:
- “Why Nobody Gives a Crap About You or Your Company” (by Keenan)
- “6 No-BS Reasons Why Your Sales Enablement Strategy Sucks” (by George B. Thomas)
Thought provoking session title examples:
- How to Make Someone Realise They’re Wrong? (And Why This Is the Wrong Question to Ask) (by Mr. Sam)
- Thriving in Discomfort: How Being Uncomfortable Fuels Growth (by Jay Schwedelson)
Session titles that have drawn crowds at the Founders Growth Night:
- 3 Strategic Steps to Focus, Simplify and Grow Your Business, by Marisa van Velzen
- Breaking through your next levels in money and business, by Suze Maclaine Pont
- How to build and sell a $1mil business (from someone who actually did it), by Nour Chaaban
- GETTING OUT THERE – Branding & Marketing For Solopreneurs, Tina Solos
- Discover What to Love About LinkedIn: Seven Strategies to Optimise Your Profile, by Lisa Thompson
- Video Content Creation that (makes you) Stand Out, by Laerke Nissen
Final Thoughts
Creating a great session title is an art that combines clarity, specificity, and a focus on benefits. By putting yourself in the shoes of your attendees and considering what would make you want to attend a session, you can craft titles that draw people in and set the stage for a successful event.
Remember, your session title is the first impression you’ll make on potential attendees. Make it count!
Once you’re ready, apply to speak here:
This article was generously contributed by Thomas Palermo: